Former Co-Op Dairy, Fole, Uttoxeter
5 acre former brownfield dairy site with 48 consented residential units
- Former 5 acre dairy site owned by the Co-Op on the edge of a river in Fole, a rural location near Uttoxeter.
- The site had lapsed consent for residential development and had been on the market for over 9 years. However, despite being in an excellent location for residential development, there had been a major diesel spill of over 20k litres and soil contamination, which led to no offers proceeding
- CB Collier had been aware of the site for a number of years and began the due diligence process in 2017.
- The site was purchased towards the end of 2017. Post- acquisition, there was significant environmental clean-up work including; groundwater remediation; clearance and removal of below ground redundant cabling; removal of residual contaminative sources, inclusive of all underground (e.g. diesel) and aboveground (e.g. acid and heavy fuel oil) storage tanks, soil contamination hot spots, surface water interceptors and redundant drainage systems; the capping of an artisanal well and removal of industrial refrigeration units (with HFCs and CFCs). Fole Dairy required sensitive demolition to separate the listed mill buildings from the remainder of the scheme.
- These pre-development works were completed in 2019, a year ahead of schedule.
- Outline planning consent was achieved in early 2019 for 62 residential units, with zero affordable housing and contributions due to viability reasons.
- Detailed planning permission of 48 high quality units was obtained in December 2022, which will replicate a Staffordshire Village vernacular.
- The site is adjacent to a mixture of housing and farm buildings, with the surrounding areas given over to mainly farmland. With a substantial frontage to Uttoxeter Road and two boundaries overlooking open countryside (one if which has River frontage), it is an attractive location. All the properties are of a rural vernacular design and will be traditional Staffordshire build using tried and tested materials sourced locally. Facing brickwork and plain tiles are the dominant materials employed with some feature areas in smooth off-white render.
- The properties are to be constructed on a ‘fabric first’ basis with the emphasis on incorporating high levels of insulation within the superstructure fabric, providing energy saving benefits throughout the lifetime of the building. Additionally, heating systems will be designed to be low energy consumption and sustainable with flexible control systems to cater for all lifestyles. The landscaping is a key feature of the scheme and creates spaces not dominated by roads and hard surfaces. The quality landscaping along with real management of all the areas outside the curtilage of individual dwellings will ensure a quality and sustainable environment. In summary, the vision is to provide a high quality development that reflects and respects its unique location, whilst employing the benefits available through modern technologies