Current Project

Former Flowserve Factory, Newark

45 acre former pump manufacturing site with Detailed Planning for 309 residential units

  • The large site, 45 acres, in central Newark, Nottinghamshire, had been on the market since 2007 but despite being in a good location for residential re-development, the sale process had not been successful due to remediation and environmental / flooding issues.
  • Site was owned by Flowserve, a US pumps manufacturer with heavy industrial use and previously a foundry (coal, coke, oil operated since the 1800s), with large clean-up issues and costs.
  • It was located on a floodplain with a large stream and culvert running through the site. It also had historic consent for a housing development, which had lapsed.
  • Site was acquired in 2019 and split into a 37 acre plot for immediate development.
  • Planning consent was received 1 month post completion for demolition and remediation. Groundworks and remediation work started immediately following, including demolition of existing buildings and foundries, soil remediation, the removal of asbestos and the construction of a 2 acre attenuation pond to prevent flooding.
  • The ground beneath the former foundry and assembly buildings contains relic infrastructure such as ducts, pipework, extensive concrete foundations, water tanks, an underground fuel tank, chimney bases and sumps. 
  • Hydrocarbon contamination (oil derived) was encountered proximal to several of these features within shallow soils and perched waters and also groundwater within the underlying gravels. Works are still ongoing with arisings from the proposed earthworks requiring verification in line with the proposed remediation targets.
  • An Outline planning application was submitted in 2020 for 322 residential units, and we achieved planning consent at appeal in June 2021.
  • The viability assessment concluded that the scheme should not provide S106 Contributions or Affordable Housing (despite policy), and this was approved both independently and by the LPA. This has since been highlighted by the Planning Inspectorate as a major factor to influence the approval decision.
  • We have now completed the sale of the site to a National Housebuilder, Lovell Partnerships, following a successful Reserved Matters application for 309 units, all within the proposed timelines

Project Information


Newark, Nottinghamshire

Development Size

45 Acres 

Acquisition Date


Planning Status

Outline Planning Received in 2021. Reserved Matters Approval Achieved in 2024 

Number of Plots


Completion Date

August 2024 - Sold to Lovell Partnerships

Former Flowserve Factory, Newark

Project Gallery

We are always actively looking for the next exciting project to add to our growing portfolio of live sites, so please get in touch with any prospective opportunities, or for any further information on CB Collier.

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