5 acre brownfield redevelopment with 80 consented units
- The 5 acre site located in the centre of Dudley, West Midlands, had been on the market since 2009. Attempts to sell the site to others by the acting agent had failed because it was viewed as an extremely ‘dirty’ site, with significant environmental issues as it was previously used for electricity generation (coal/coke) and prior to that, a foundry.
- CB Collier and the team conducted extensive due diligence to assess the potential liabilities, costs and site potential. We successfully negotiated the price, and purchased the site in 2017
- Immediately following purchase, an outline planning application was made for 80 residential units
- The site was demolished 10 years prior to purchase to slab level and we required the creation of a suitable development platform to gain planning permission for residential development.
- Scope of Pre-development works included; clearance and removal of all below ground redundant cabling, removal of all floor slabs, foundations and associated in-ground structures; clearance, stockpiling and crushing on site of all concrete to a certified 6F2 specification, and additional investigation and remediation of contamination ‘hot spots’.
- The remediation work was completed and final planning consents and the Environmental Agency sign-off were received in 2019.
- Reserved Matters has been achieved and the site has been sold to a Housing Association